from the other side of Newcastle Harbour in NSW, HMAS Kanimbla shows
off her new profile on a grey day in summer. Most noticeable are the
new hanger aft of the bridge and the raked stern, plus the lack of the
for'ard derrick. |
Dockyard in Newcastle is a very industrious place just full of the sort
of interesting things that keep a maritime enthusiast's head swinging.
The floating dock in the background is where the hull work was undertaken. |
shows the new bow shape as well as the extended forward decks to accommodate
the two LCM8 landing craft and forward flight deck. Yet to be added
is the huge derrick just for'ard of the bridge to launch & retrieve
the LCM8s |
Dockside during
refit is an organised confusion of the various resources and machinery
needed. The addition of the large hanger on the left of the photo' adds
a rather slab sided look to the old girl in this view. |
Boarding Kanimbla
was a bit of a steep climb due to the lack of weight of the equipment
still to come. |
Once onboard, our
first stop was the bridge, which looked a lot different than when I
saw it last. New equipment was being installed and those already in
place were protected with covers. |
The racks aft of
the bridge on both port and starboard will hold the ship's liferafts.
Safety is a prime consideration in the design of the refit. |
Out on the port
side from the bridge and slightly aft is the boatdeck where the RHIB's
(Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boats) will be stored alongside the hanger.
From here we moved onto the top of the hanger. |
The top of the
helo hanger is an excellent place to install radio antennae among other
things and will, no doubt be a popular place when the ship is not radiating
due to its elevation and relatively clear deck. |
Inter-service co-operation
at work here as ABET Rebecca Brock (Navy) and Cpl David Jordan (Army)
check connections with one of the antennae. The Army has a permanent
and active interest in HMAS Kanimbla as a very valuable resource. |
05 Deck. Top of
the heap and a great place to enjoy the view on a nice day at sea.
From here the ship can be controlled, signals sent, ship defended and
sun enjoyed.
All in all, a very versatile place. The size of the Newport class (USN
designation) ship allows for quite a comfortable amount of working room. |